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Archive for December, 2010

Fruitcake Season

I am the only one in my family who likes fruitcake and my favorite variety is my grandmother’s.  When she was living, she would make fruitcake every year to share.  A huge feeling of abundance and satisfaction came with each bite, somewhat due to the large chunks of fruit and nuts in her cakes:  moist, rich and delicious.  Since her passing I enjoy a few bites during the winter holiday season, remembering her strong vitality.

In 1994 a Disney movie was released, entitled, “Iron Will”, about a boy who raised money for his family by participating in a dog sled race in Manitoba.  In order to keep his sled as light as possible and to nourish himself well, the only food he took for himself was his mother’s fruitcake.  Odd, you might think, until you realize the energy stores, aka carbs, in fruitcake, and how appropriate it is for an ENDURANCE RACE:

grain and sugar for fast energy delivery

fruit for slower release, consistent, “maintaining” energy

nuts for the duration

For Will, his mother’s fruitcake was perfect – covering the wide spectrum of energy demands, taking up little space, and having his mother’s energy close.  And,  …, ahem, for me?  It is wonderful to enjoy a bite or two – satisfying, as I create a moment to truly enjoy the taste and the memories.  Eating more doesn’t satisfy me more, and my fuel requirements are in no way close to an ENDURANCE RACE!

Tip:  Be choosy this holiday season!  Look for the highest quality taste and delight, take time to enjoy, appreciating the bounty and loving your wonderful body – being especially good to it.  It’s a Gift, as are YOU!