Stories and Wellness Support for my clients and interested viewers!

Archive for February, 2011

Changing It Up!

“I think I have hit a plateau” might be looping through your thought pattern, particularly after a couple of months of steady loss in weight, or a feeling of “too easy” with your fitness routine.  If either is true, it is time to increase your healthy responsiveness and change it up!

Hula Hoops appeared years ago and were a global hit – they were simple; they were inexpensive; they were available; they appealed to all ages; they stored easily; and they boasted cool designs.  Few can resist the allure of  playing with a hoop, should it be in close proximity; and both feet, bare or adorned, can be on the ground.  The hoops have never disappeared completely and offer each of us a possibility for a jump-start to motivation.  Speaking of jumping …

Jump Ropes have been around forever, and again, are simple, usually inexpensive, available and store easily.  Modifications in method offer a strong option for exercise that ignites the body to respond, to increase agility, deliver oxygen, and yes, burn more calories.  This one is a nice warm-up and travels well!

Boxing, whether air-boxing, kick-boxing, or gloves-on-boxing, comes and goes as an alternative exercise, and is usually fun and definitely, effective, as our desire for definition in our arms, particularly, motivates us to try this one.  And, if you stumble on the “combativeness” of it, consider your opponent to be “any lack of belief in yourself”!

These three are just a few of the possibilities we have for changing it up – so pivotal for weight maintenance, exercise motivation, agility, personal power and fun!  Inexpensive videos and YouTube demonstrations are available, should instruction be needed, and otherwise,  a day off from treadmills, ellipticals, weights, and class routines might be really energizing.  Change it up and watch your fun meter spike and your magnificent body respond!

Thank you for the wonderful comments.  I am honored and welcome the dialogue and the new ideas!  (And I will be doing my best this week to change it up.)

The following is a link for understanding differences in protein powders based on use.  Consider playing with these when creating a perfect breakfast shake or a batch of high protein cookies …. ‘Need a recipe for that?



Oh, let’s ditch the old paradigm of “success” coming from a bathroom scale.  What an inelegant, unattractive device to hold such power!  After all, it delivers only one measurement.  Most of us agree that we want to feel “light”.  When we make an effort to fuel our bodies to an exquisite level, to exercise with awareness and enjoyment, to “change it up” often, we might ask some additional questions:

“How do I feel overall?”

“Do I feel energetic?”

“Do I FEEL lighter?”

“Could I skip down the sidewalk?”

“Do I observe muscular definition in my body?”

“How do my clothes fit?”

“Do I feel power in the center of myself?

Obviously it isn’t the mass weight to be considered, but the make-up or ratio of muscle, fat, bone, water, air.  How can that be reflected meaningfully by a weight measuring device?  That number IS significant and represents only one consideration.  I know you know this; I just want you to recall it should you become less enchanted with yourself as you consider numbers.

Motivate yourself with some different assessments as you give your body the best care you can find!  Converse with us here on what is significant to you!

RECIPE TREAT from Barbara – alternative dipping sauce for Artichokes, the fabulous vegetable that is key in lowering cholesterol and has a low glycemic load.  And, actually the dip can be used on a variety of food at any meal!


1 Can Pinto Beans (16 oz)

½ Cup Red Onion, chopped or Shallots (3 large)

1 tsp Garlic, minced

1/5 tsp Rosemary, fresh, chopped


1 tsp Salt

¼ tsp Pepper

2 Lemons, juiced

1/8 tsp Tabasco

2 T Olive Oil (or less)

  1. Combine first four ingredients.
  2. Mix dressing, combining well.
  3. Add dressing to other ingredients and process in Food Processor until smooth with still, some texture.\


Past the Resolution Rush

A marathon race is currently passing by my home today – a Race for the Cure.  It is a seasoned, qualifying race that, with each year, becomes more sophisticated, and spectacularly coordinated.  I love to watch the participants, the supporters, the visionaries, the pacers, the whole city responding with enthusiasm – a beautiful coming together in support of vibrant health and humanity.  MOTIVATION!

January brings resolutions, and even for those who don’t participate in that practice, there is often a subtle determination to become healthier, and in this society, usually thinner.  It is now mid-February and I am seeing results with all my clients and paired with each result is excitement, pride, and empowerment.  I, in turn, am proud because each of them has set at least two goals, which reflects wisdom.  The list includes “weight loss, strength, flexibility, agility, lighter body, toned body, maintained blood sugar, healthier lifestyle, more water consumption”.

It is my job to motivate, so let me tell you that it is joyful to see the RADIANCE in a face when you say, “I can see my deltoid!”, or the PROUD STATEMENT, “I’ve lost 14 pounds!” or the grins and chuckles as we move through a circuit – that EAGERNESS for “What’s next?”  It all screams EMPOWERMENT!

Eating clean, finding joy in strength and movement gives your body its edge and it communicates to your brain, “Hey, I’m feeling great.  Thanks for that!  Let me show you what I can do!”  Best of all, we let go of any sense of limitation.  That’s the big pay-off that keeps us motivated – yes?

As I watch the race continue by today, I am participating in joy, supporting the visions and health of each as they continue.  I LOVE to witness the amazing human body MOVING FORWARD in health, well being and empowerment!  The motivation is “catching”.


1.  From Mariah, via Woody:  To really enjoy and savor every bite of nourishment you give yourself, slow down the process and eat with chopsticks!

2.  When you find your enthusiasm waning, CHANGE IT UP!  Let me help you introduce a new food/taste to enjoy or a new physical activity.  Watch your exquisite body respond!

PS:  a little boxing party at Diesel coming soon ….


Exquisite Fuel – Meal Five

Meal Five is the big “nourisher” meal – the one where you get to heap the greatest love on your fine self!  As your rest cycle begins the body can enjoy replenishing, repairing, and renewing with Protein, Low-Glycemic Vegetables, and Leafy Greens!  All four of the previous meals have included an energy-giving food, and this one, instead, concentrates on fine, to-the-cellular-level nourishment!

Now, for the FUN PART: creating numerous and interesting experiences of this super nutrition:  (1) Protein should include 4 ounces of lean meat, beans, eggs or whites, or combinations, i.e. omelets.  (2)  Low-Glycemic Vegetables are squashes, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, peppers, tomatoes, and ¼ to ½ avocado.  (No, I didn’t mistakenly forget potatoes.)  (3) Leafy Greens, cooked or raw – plenty!

And, for the CAREFUL PART:  Sauces, dressings and soups create even more pizazz on our dinners – amazing tastes that augment our experience.  Label reading, if you are using bottled dressing, for instance, is imperative:  sugar and carb grams can be huge here.   I offer two easy alternatives:

  1. The Diesel dressing recipe on Post “The Taste The Force” in November Archive (Ali’s Dressing)
  2. Simply dress your big salad with scatters of lemon juice, garlic, olive oil and balsamic vinegar (or Salad Spritzer Spray) and toss.

Sauces can have large amounts of fat in them, usually not “essential fats”, can taste terrific or taste really heavy.  Is “heavy” what your body wants?  Again, check out the ingredients.  And if you truly love this sauce and it does have some ingredients that you are questioning, send me the recipe and I will share with the Diesel Pros or our favorite restauranteur/chef, Barbara for adjustments that work for you.

Soups are a favorite this time of year.  When choosing pre-made soups, look for organic and “low sodium”.  Again, question, “Does my body need …?”  Be aware of contents and amount.

The most important piece of all this is that YOU enjoy this last meal of the day, that you eat slowly and breathe deeply, allowing the metabolic exchange inside you be at its highest level.  It is imperative that you not feel “deprived” in any way, and rather, feel “lucky” and “empowered” to choose and enjoy each wonderful bite.

And, if you find yourself really desiring something else after this meal, consider a small piece of dark (60% or higher) chocolate or a small amount of non-fat, low-sugar yogurt.   Sleep Well!

Next Post – “Past the Resolution Rush” Send me the motivational tips that work for you!